Thanh Hoa Hamlet, Thanh Dien Commune, Chau Thanh District, Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam


Covered spandex yarn is a versatile and essential component in the textile industry, combining the elasticity of spandex with the strength and durability of various covering fibers. This innovative material has revolutionized the production of stretchable fabrics, finding applications in diverse sectors from activewear to medical textiles. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of covered spandex yarn, its variations, applications, and comparisons to other materials.

Covered Spandex Yarn

Covered Spandex Yarn Applications, Types, and Comparisons

Covered spandex yarn is a composite yarn that consists of a spandex core wrapped with one or more layers of covering fibers. This unique construction offers the best of both worlds: the exceptional stretch and recovery properties of spandex combined with the desirable characteristics of the covering material.

Manufacturing Process

The production of covered spandex yarn involves a sophisticated process where a spandex filament is fed through a specialized machine. As the spandex core moves through the machine, it is wrapped with a covering fiber, typically polyester, nylon, or cotton. This covering process can be single or double, resulting in different yarn characteristics.

Applications in Textiles

Covered spandex yarn finds extensive use in various textile applications due to its remarkable properties. It is commonly used in:

The incorporation of covered spandex yarn in these products enhances their stretch, comfort, and shape retention capabilities.

Benefits and Advantages

The use of covered spandex yarn offers numerous benefits to both manufacturers and consumers:

These advantages have made covered spandex yarn an indispensable material in modern textile production.

Air Covered Spandex Yarn

Covered Spandex Yarn Applications, Types, and Comparisons

Air covered spandex yarn is a specific type of covered spandex yarn that utilizes air jet technology in its manufacturing process. This method offers unique characteristics and benefits compared to traditional covering techniques.

Air Covering Technology

The air covering process involves using high-pressure air to wrap the covering fiber around the spandex core. This technique creates a looser covering compared to mechanical methods, resulting in a yarn with distinct properties.

Characteristics of Air covered yarn

Air covered spandex yarn exhibits several unique features:

These characteristics make air covered spandex yarn particularly suitable for applications where comfort and flexibility are paramount.

Applications in Performance Fabrics

Air covered spandex yarn is extensively used in the production of performance fabrics, especially those designed for:

The superior comfort and performance of air covered spandex yarn make it a preferred choice for manufacturers of premium athletic and leisure wear.

Polyester Covered Spandex Yarn

Polyester covered spandex yarn is one of the most common types of covered spandex yarn, combining the elasticity of spandex with the durability and versatility of polyester.

Properties of Polyester Covering

Polyester as a covering fiber imparts several beneficial properties to the yarn:

These properties make polyester covered spandex yarn a popular choice in various textile applications.

Comparison with Other Coverings

When compared to other covering materials like nylon or cotton, polyester covered spandex yarn offers:

These advantages make it particularly suitable for swimwear and activewear applications.

Sustainable Alternatives

With growing environmental concerns, manufacturers are exploring sustainable alternatives for polyester covered spandex yarn:

These innovations aim to reduce the environmental impact of textile production while maintaining the performance of polyester covered spandex yarn.

What is Spandex Yarn?

Spandex yarn, also known as elastane or Lycra (a brand name), is a synthetic fiber known for its exceptional elasticity. Understanding the nature of spandex yarn is crucial to appreciating the benefits of covered spandex yarn.

Chemical Composition

Spandex is a polyurethane-based polymer with a unique molecular structure that allows for extreme stretch and recovery. Its chemical composition gives it properties that are unmatched by natural fibers.

Physical Properties

Spandex yarn exhibits several remarkable physical properties:

These properties make spandex an ideal component in stretchable fabrics and garments.

Historical Development

The development of spandex in the late 1950s revolutionized the textile industry:

Understanding the history and evolution of spandex provides context for its current applications and future developments.

Spandex Yarn Price

The price of spandex yarn is influenced by various factors and can significantly impact the cost of finished textile products.

Market Trends

Spandex yarn prices are subject to market fluctuations influenced by:

Staying informed about these trends is crucial for manufacturers and buyers in the textile industry.

Quality vs. Cost Considerations

When considering spandex yarn prices, it’s essential to balance quality and cost:

Making informed decisions about spandex yarn quality and price can significantly impact the final product’s performance and profitability.

Impact on Final Product Pricing

The price of spandex yarn directly affects the cost of finished textile products:

Understanding these relationships is crucial for effective pricing strategies in the textile and apparel industries.

Difference Between Polyester and Spandex

While both polyester and spandex are synthetic fibers, they have distinct properties and applications in the textile industry.

Fiber Structure

The fundamental differences between polyester and spandex lie in their molecular structure:

These structural differences account for the distinct properties of each fiber.

Performance Characteristics

Polyester and spandex exhibit different performance characteristics:

Understanding these differences is crucial for selecting the appropriate fiber for specific applications.

Blending Benefits

The combination of polyester and spandex in covered spandex yarn offers synergistic benefits:

This blend of properties makes polyester covered spandex yarn a popular choice in various textile applications.

Covered Elastic Yarn

Covered elastic yarn is a broader category that includes covered spandex yarn and other elastic core yarns. Understanding the similarities and differences within this category provides valuable insights for textile professionals.

Types of Elastic Cores

Various elastic materials can be used as cores in covered elastic yarn:

Each core material offers unique properties and is suited for different applications.

Covering Techniques

Different covering techniques can be employed in the production of covered elastic yarn:

The choice of covering technique affects the yarn’s properties and performance.

Specialty Applications

Covered elastic yarn finds use in specialized applications beyond traditional textiles:

These emerging applications showcase the versatility and potential of covered elastic yarn in various industries.


Covered spandex yarn, particularly polyester covered spandex yarn and air covered spandex yarn, has become an indispensable component in modern textile production. Its unique combination of stretch, recovery, and durability makes it ideal for a wide range of applications, from everyday clothing to high-performance sportswear and specialized medical textiles.

Understanding the properties, manufacturing processes, and applications of covered spandex yarn is crucial for textile professionals, designers, and consumers alike. As technology advances and sustainability concerns grow, we can expect continued innovations in covered spandex yarn production and applications, further cementing its place as a cornerstone of the textile industry.

Whether you’re a manufacturer looking to optimize your products, a designer seeking the perfect material for your creations, or a consumer interested in the technology behind your comfortable clothing, the world of covered spandex yarn offers a fascinating blend of science, engineering, and practical applications that continue to shape the fabrics of our daily lives.


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